alias cdiff="colordiff" alias clean-gpg="for a in `gpg -k | sed -rn 's/pub +[0-9]+[DR]\/(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+).*/\1/p'`; do gpg2 --quiet --no-tty --edit-key $a clean save; done;" alias diff="diff -W $(( $(tput cols) - 2))" alias bz2c='bzip2 --best' alias gzc='gzip --best --no-name' alias xzc='xz --best --extreme' alias halt='systemctl poweroff' alias reboot='systemctl reboot' current_dist=`lsb_release -c -s` all_dkms_packages="`apt-cache rdepends --installed dkms | sed -rn 's/^ +([^ ]+)$/\1/p' | sort -iu`" if [ $use_sudo -eq 1 ]; then alias adbu='sudo $apt_pref -t ${current_dist}-backports $apt_upgr' alias aar='sudo apt-get --purge autoremove' #this command is only with apt-get alias drd='[ -n "$all_dkms_packages" ] && sudo dpkg-reconfigure $all_dkms_packages' else alias adbu='su -lc "$apt_pref -t ${current_dist}-backports $apt_upgr" root' alias aar='su -lc "apt-get --purge autoremove" root' #this command is only with apt-get alias drd='[ -n "$all_dkms_packages" ] && su -lc "dpkg-reconfigure $all_dkms_packages" root' fi