font=Hack 8 # Allow a small subset of html markup: # bold # italic # strikethrough # underline # # For a complete reference see # . # If markup is not allowed, those tags will be stripped out of the # message. markup=1 format=%s\n%b layer=overlay # Sort messages by urgency. sort=-priority max-icon-size=64 # Padding between text and separator. padding=8 # Paths to default icons. icon-path=/usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/status/:/usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/devices/ border-size=1 border-color=#fdf6e3 [urgency="low"] # Background is S_base03 background-color=#002b36 # Foreground is S_base0 text-color=#839496 default-timeout=10000 [urgency="normal"] # Background is S_base0 background-color=#839496 # Foreground is S_base03 text-color=#002b36 default-timeout=10000 [urgency="high"] # Background is S_red background-color=#dc322f # Foreground is S_base03 text-color=#002b36 default-timeout=0 # vim: ft=cfg