{% extends "base.html" %} {% block meta %} {% include "partial/og_article.html" %} {% endblock %} {% block title %} – {{ article.title|striptags|escape }}{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if not ARTICLE_HIDE_TRANSLATION %} {% import 'partial/translations.html' as translations with context %} {{ translations.translations_for(article) }} {% endif %}

{{ article.title }}

{{ _('Posted on %(when)s in %(category)s', when=article.locale_date, category='%s'|format(SITEURL, article.category.url, article.category)|safe) }} {% if 'post_stats' in PLUGINS %} • {{ article.stats['read_mins'] }} min read {% endif %}

{% if GOOGLE_ADSENSE and GOOGLE_ADSENSE.ads.article_top %} {% endif %}
{{ article.content }}

{% if article.tags %} {% for tag in article.tags %} {{ tag }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}

{% if ADD_THIS_ID %}

{{ _('Like this article? Share it with your friends!') }}

{% endif %} {% include "partial/neighbors.html" %} {% if article.related_posts %} {% elif ADD_THIS_ID %} {% endif %} {% if GOOGLE_ADSENSE and GOOGLE_ADSENSE.ads.article_bottom %} {% endif %} {% include "partial/disqus.html" %}
{% endblock %}