The minimalist Pelican theme.
Find a file
2015-08-20 22:25:56 -07:00
static Fixed email icon bug 2015-07-25 17:26:14 +01:00
templates Use THEME_STATIC_DIR for asset URL's 2015-08-20 22:25:56 -07:00
.gitignore Gulp file to compress LESS. 2015-07-18 21:20:09 -03:00
gulpfile.js Gulp file to compress LESS. 2015-07-18 21:20:09 -03:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2015-07-18 06:27:29 -03:00 Fixed email icon bug 2015-07-25 17:26:14 +01:00
screenshot.png Add screenshot. 2015-07-18 21:28:34 -03:00 Gulp file to compress LESS. 2015-07-18 21:20:09 -03:00


A minimalist Pelican theme.


  • Mobile First
  • Responsive
  • Semantic
  • SEO Best Practices
  • Open Graph
  • Rich Snippets (JSON-LD)


  • AddThis
  • Disqus
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Tag Manager
  • StatusCake

Custom settings

See what you can customize.

Maybe some Pelican settings not work properly.

Name What does it do?
SITETITLE Site title to show in sidebar.
SITESUBTITLE Short description to show below subtitle.
SITELOGO Profile picture to show above author name (absolute url).
SITEDESCRIPTION Site description to use in meta tags.
OG_LOCALE language_TERRITORY for Open Graph. Default is en_US.
COPYRIGHT_YEAR Copyright year to display on footer.
CC_LICENSE Creative Commons License to show on footer.
MENUITEMS A list of tuples (Title, URL) for additional menu items to appear on main menu.
LINKS A list of tuples (Title, URL) for links to appear on the sidebar menu.
SOCIAL A list of tuples (name, URL) to appear in the "social" section.
MAIN_MENU Show main menu.
ROBOTS Robots meta tag value.
ADD_THIS_ID AddThis public id.
DISQUS_SITENAME Disqus website's shortname to activate Disqus.
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS Activate Google Analytics.
GOOGLE_TAG_MANAGER Activate Google Tag Manager.
STATUSCAKE Show StatusCake Uptime badge on footer.


AUTHOR = 'Foo Bar'
SITENAME = 'Foo Bar\'s Blog'
SITESUBTITLE = 'Web Developer'
SITEDESCRIPTION = 'Foo Bar\'s Thoughts and Writings'

FAVICON = SITEURL + '/images/favicon.ico'
ROBOTS = 'index, follow'

CC_LICENSE = { 'name': 'Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike', 'version':'4.0', 'slug': 'by-sa') }


ADD_THIS_ID = 'ra-77hh6723hhjd'
DISQUS_SITENAME = 'yoursite'
STATUSCAKE = { 'trackid': 'your-id', 'days': 7 }

If you want a full working example take a look here.

How main menu works?

If MAIN_MENU = True, the order is: Home, MENUITEMS, Atom and RSS if available.

How sidebar menu works?

The order is Pages and LINKS. LINKS are shown in a new page.

How social menu works?

All icons are provided by Font Awesome.

A set of icons have custom background, for this you must follow the names below:

  • envelope-o (for email)
  • facebook
  • github
  • github-alt
  • google
  • linkedin
  • pinterest
  • rss
  • twitter
  • youtube


SOCIAL = (('linkedin', ''),
          ('github', ''),)

If you need more icons, you will need to add a custom background to keep all icons similar.

Custom File Metadata

Name What does it do?
Summarize Enable Home summary.
Cover Cover image for social sharing (absolute url).
og_locale Open graph locale for article.

By default, all article content is shown on Home. If the article has a custom Summary, the custom summary is shown. If the article has Summarize: True metadata, the default article summary is shown.

Code Highlight

If you want to replace Pygments theme (default is GitHub) take a look at Pygments Docs and replace pygments.min.css.

Live example

You can see how things looks like here.

I'm using Flex in my personal blog.

