[style] # Insert a blank line before a module docstring. blank_line_before_module_docstring=True # The column limit. column_limit=120 # Split before the '.' if we need to split a longer expression: # # foo = ('This is a really long string: {}, {}, {}, {}'.format(a, b, c, d)) # # would reformat to something like: # # foo = ('This is a really long string: {}, {}, {}, {}' # .format(a, b, c, d)) split_before_dot=True # Set to True to split list comprehensions and generators that have # non-trivial expressions and multiple clauses before each of these # clauses. For example: # # result = [ # a_long_var + 100 for a_long_var in xrange(1000) # if a_long_var % 10] # # would reformat to something like: # # result = [ # a_long_var + 100 # for a_long_var in xrange(1000) # if a_long_var % 10] split_complex_comprehension=True