Alexandre Vicenzi 7094c8800f Fix typos.
2015-07-20 14:08:52 -03:00

119 lines
3.2 KiB

# Flex
A minimalist [Pelican](http://blog.getpelican.com/) theme.
## Features
- Mobile First
- Responsive
- Semantic
- SEO Best Practices
- Open Graph
- Rich Snippets (JSON-LD)
## Integrations
- Disqus
- Google Analytics
- Google Tag Manager
- StatusCake
## Custom settings
See what you can customize.
> Maybe some Pelican settings not work properly.
| Name | What does it do? |
| SITETITLE | Site title to show in sidebar. |
| SITESUBTITLE | Short description to show below subtitle. |
| SITELOGO | Profile picture to show above author name (absolute url). |
| SITEDESCRIPTION | Site description to use in meta tags. |
| OG_LOCALE | language_TERRITORY for Open Graph. Default is `en_US`. |
| COPYRIGHT_YEAR | Copyright year to display on footer. |
| CC_LICENSE | Creative Commons License to show on footer. |
| MENUITEMS | A list of tuples (Title, URL) for additional menu items to appear on main menu. |
| LINKS | A list of tuples (Title, URL) for links to appear on the sidebar menu. |
| SOCIAL | A list of tuples (name, URL) to appear in the "social" section. |
| MAIN_MENU | Show main menu. |
| ROBOTS | Robots meta tag value. |
| DISQUS_SITENAME | Disqus website's shortname to activate Disqus. |
| GOOGLE_ANALYTICS | Activate Google Analytics. |
| GOOGLE_TAG_MANAGER | Activate Google Tag Manager. |
| STATUSCAKE | Show StatusCake Uptime badge on footer. |
### Example
SITENAME = 'Foo Bar\'s Blog'
SITESUBTITLE = 'Web Developer'
SITEDESCRIPTION = 'Foo Bar\'s Thoughts and Writings'
SITELOGO = 'http://yoursite.com/img/profile.png'
ROBOTS = 'index, follow'
CC_LICENSE = { 'name': 'Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike', 'version':'4.0', 'slug': 'by-sa') }
DISQUS_SITENAME = 'yoursite'
STATUSCAKE = { 'trackid': 'your-id', 'days': 7 }
### How main menu works?
If `MAIN_MENU = True`, the order is: Home, `MENUITEMS`, Atom and RSS if available.
### How sidebar menu works?
The order is Pages and `LINKS`. `LINKS` are shown in a new page.
### How social menu works?
All icons are provided by [Font Awesome](http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/).
A set of icons have custom background, for this you must follow the names above:
- email
- facebook
- github
- github-alt
- google
- linkedin
- pinterest
- rss
- twitter
- youtube
SOCIAL = (('linkedin', 'https://br.linkedin.com/in/alexandrevicenzi/en'),
('github', 'https://github.com/alexandrevicenzi'),)
If you need more icons, you will need to add a custom background to keep all icons similar.
## Custom File Metadata
| Name | What does it do? |
| Summarise | Enable Home summary. |
| Cover | Cover image for social sharing (absolute url). |
| og_locale | Open graph locale. |
By default, all article content is shown on Home.
If the article has a custom Summary, the custom summary is shown.
If the article has `Summarise: True` metadata, the default article summary is shown.
## Live example
You can find a demo [here](http://blog.alexandrevicenzi.com/).
## License